
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Dyslexia Website Accessibility

阅读障碍是一种神经系统疾病,其特征是难以准确和/或流利地识别单词,拼写和解码能力差. 这些挑战通常是由于语言语音成分的缺陷, which can impact reading comprehension and impede vocabulary growth. Despite these difficulties, individuals with dyslexia often have average to above-average intelligence.

这是一种常见的学习障碍,影响了大约10-15%的人口. It is a lifelong condition, 但是,可以通过适当的战略和干预措施减轻其影响. 早期诊断和支持对于帮助患有阅读障碍的个体充分发挥其潜力至关重要.

有阅读障碍的人需要无障碍的数字空间来满足他们的需求. Let’s understand what all changes can make their online experience seamless.

Enhancing web accessibility for users with Dyslexia!

To support individuals with dyslexia, 必须创造便利的环境,以满足他们的独特需求.


  • Users must get enough time to read content at their pace (success criteria 2.2.)
  • 内容创建的方式应该能够通过不同的设备和浏览器以不同的方式呈现,而不会失去其主要本质(成功标准1).3).
  • Web page navigation is required in predictable ways (success criteria 3.2).
  • Text content should be readable and understandable (success criteria 3.1).

An organization can choose any conformance level of WCAG based on its objectives and target audience however, it is suggested to audit websites against WCAG’s Level AA success criteria. Here are some specific ways to tailor web content for users with dyslexia.

Readable fonts and text presentation

Fonts - 使用对阅读障碍友好的字体,如OpenDyslexic、Arial、Verdana、Tahoma、Helvetica或Comic Sans. These fonts have distinct letter shapes that can help reduce reading errors. 所有在一个可访问性包括阅读障碍字体功能,以提高可读性和个性化的体验!

Text size and spacing - Opt for larger text sizes and increased line spacing to enhance readability. 行、字、段之间适当的间距有助于减少视觉拥挤.

Color contrast - Ensure high contrast between text and background. Dark text on a light background is generally easier to read. Avoid using pure white backgrounds as they can cause glare; off-white or pastel backgrounds are preferable. Use WCAG color contrast checker for more information.

Accessible digital content

Text-to-Speech (TTS) tools – Implement TTS functionality on websites and digital documents. These tools assist read text aloud, which helps users with dyslexia to process information more efficiently.

Readable layouts – Use clear and simple layouts with minimal distractions. 用标题和副标题将文本分成更小的部分,以提高可导航性.

Interactive and multimedia content – 合并视频、音频文件和交互元素,以各种格式呈现信息. 这种多模式的方法能够以最合适的方式为有阅读障碍的用户提供全面的信息.

Assistive technologies

Speech recognition software – 像Dragon NaturallySpeaking这样的工具可以帮助患有阅读障碍的人通过语音输入撰写书面内容.

Phonetic spellcheckers – 专门为阅读障碍设计的拼写检查器可以比标准拼写检查器更有效地识别和纠正语音拼写错误.

Audiobooks and E-books – Provide access to audiobooks and e-books, which allow users to listen to text while following along visually. This can improve reading skills and comprehension.

Educational support

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) – 针对有阅读障碍的学生的特殊需求,制定量身定制的教育计划. These plans should include accommodations such as extra time on tests, note-taking assistance, and modified assignments.

Specialized instruction – Implement structured literacy programs that focus on explicit, systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Teacher training - 对教师和员工进行有关阅读障碍的教育,以营造一个支持性的学习环境. 培训应包括识别阅读障碍的策略和有效指导的技巧.

Workplace accommodations

Flexible work arrangements – 允许灵活的工作时间或远程工作选择,以减轻压力并适应个人需求.

Accessible communication – Use clear, concise communication and provide information in multiple formats such as, written, verbal, and visual.

Training and awareness – 在工作场所提高对阅读障碍的认识和理解,以创造一个包容的环境. 提供培训课程,教育员工有关阅读障碍和可用的支持工具.


阅读障碍以各种方式影响人们的生活,并帮助他们获得最佳的在线体验, organizations should follow suggested accessibility standards. Moreover, 可访问性维护是另一个至关重要的方面,必须不受任何干扰地进行. 根据最新的技术和标准测试网页,以确保更少的性能问题是保持网页可访问性状态的必要条件.

值得注意的是,并非所有患有阅读障碍的用户都有类似的症状,他们的理解水平也各不相同. However, 大多数网络解决方案都是通过专注于通过视觉或任何其他类型的刺激减少认知努力来减轻任何用户可能的不适.

A consistent experience results in enhanced web traffic, search engine performance, and overall business growth!

天网科技是一家领先的企业综合数字解决方案提供商, 他们对网站可访问性的承诺与他们的包容性和创新精神是一致的. By prioritizing WCAG compliance, we ensure that enterprise websites are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. We recognize the significance of adhering to WCAG guidelines, not just for legal compliance but also for enhancing user experience. 他们对企业网站可访问性的方法包括彻底的审计、战略规划、 website accessibility remediation, consulting, document remediation, VPAT, self-assistance training, ongoing monitoring, and support that cater to diverse user needs. Request a quote or reach out [email protected].